Gratitude # 72

The weather today was magnificent — perfect for opening the windows to let in fresh air and perfect for taking the kids outside to play. I have been waiting for a lovely day such as this to get outside with the family and enjoy some fun time. We started off the day with a big breakfast: a double-batch of pancakes (made with raspberry blush vinegar), bacon, lite maple sausage, cheesy scrambled eggs, and orange juice. The pancakes? They were fabulous! I highly recommend using that flavor of vinegar to make the pancakes. It gives them a slight raspberry flavor that brings out the sweetness. So good! This afternoon, we went to the playground in our complex and let the kids enjoy some time playing kickball, throwing the football, sliding, swinging, and running around. I took some pictures to commemorate it. I love nice days like today. Here’s hoping for another nice weekend in our near future.

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2 Replies to “Gratitude # 72”

  1. You continue to astound me. And out me to shame. I haven’t had an oven in DAYS. I’m aching to cook or bake ANYTHING. Hope your family understands how lucky they are to have you.

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