
Today my heart swelled with pride. You see, every work day I go home for lunch. It’s a simple thing, really, mostly meant for me to breastfeed the baby. I’ve had this arrangement in place since I started, and my daughter was still breastfeeding then. It was fantastic because my boss’ wife was breastfeeding their son who’s a month younger than my daughter — basically, he was not only following policies, he was truly understanding of the breastfeeding relationship. Anyhow, the baby finished eating but didn’t empty his plate, so-to-speak. So I set up his blanket on the floor next to the couch where my husband was sitting and placed my son on his belly for some tummy time. I sat down and got started putting away his “leftovers” in a “doggie bag,” if you catch my drift. We were watching little Junior start wiggling around and trying to push himself up, and he watched him creep inch by inch nearly two feet over to the couch. He went wiggle-worming over to see his daddy! Please note that he just turned 11 weeks on Tuesday. What a difference it makes when you haven’t had any drugs during labor and delivery! My two oldest children didn’t develop this fast, and they both were c-section babies exposed to whatever was in the spinal block. So between the all natural birth and whatever’s in my milk, this busy little bumble bee’s developing at an astonishing rate. Someone slap a warning label on me because I must be full of growth hormones!

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One Reply to “Validation”

  1. I expect his dissertation on something fabulous will be on my desk by the end of the year. 😉

    SO glad the little man is doing so well. I have a lot invested in his well-being, since he and Keenan share their big day!

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