#TalkTuesday Restoring in 2016

As you may recall, I choose the word RESTORE to guide me through 2016. As we start the year, I’d like to reflect on how I’d like to see my word carry me. I can bring more RESTORE into my home by sleeping for eight hours every night and creating better sleep hygiene and habits; by eating nourishing foods that fill my body with the vitamins and minerals it craves instead of giving into my sweet tooth and convenience; by moving my body on a regular base, giving my bones and muscles the exercise they need to carry me through many more decades; researching my interests so I can find my path; and indulging my passions and hobbies, from writing to coloring and all things in between. My heart needs restoration and openness, and I’m finding that my heart’s beckoning me to stay open to possibilities. I desire growth, change, peace, and happiness. I’ll be following up at the beginning of February to see how RESTORE is serving me and evaluate more ways to bring restoration to my life.

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