#Reverb14 Day 17

How can you stop being an a**hole, get out of your own way and make room for more of your magic to happen in 2015?

This is kind of funny, actually. I guess some times I’m a jerk by laying back down instead of tending to my dreams, but I digress. I have relegated my dreams and aspirations so far into the recesses of my mind that I’ve lost touch with what it is I’d like to do with my life and how I planned to get there. And as old dreams resurface, I stop and wonder if I’ve become someone else who just isn’t interested anymore — that I’m an asshole with no room for my dreams. I’ve noticed that some of the passion has come back as Reverb has progressed, so perhaps I’m on the right track. I can make room for the dreams to burst forth by giving them a pathway out through my finger tips. I can sit down and ask myself questions or answer questions posed by others to see what magic happens. I just need to make time each day to think about who I am, what I want to be and want to do, where I’d like to go, why I’d like to do these things, and how I can take action to bring my dreams to life.

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