[Mindfulist] February 17th

[February 16th] Beginner’s Mind: “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few”. – Shunryu Suzuki / Are you a beginner or an expert? Do you strive to be one over the other? (This is from yesterday, but I’m going to begin dating them as of the date I complete them for the sake of simplicity.)

I must be a beginner in some respects because right now there are so many endless possibilities for my future. On the other hand, I’m an expert in other respects because their are very possibilities in other aspects of my life. I’ve always desired to be an expert on one level or another, and I find quite often that we cannot all be experts on everything. We can try, we can hope, and we can dream, but we will never be experts in everything.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You cannot fix some of the personal things going on in your life right now, but you can focus on making the right changes for a brighter future. It’s a waste of time to get angry. Travel will bring you greater clarity. 3 stars

My horoscope for today actually seemed to have some relevance to my present situation. This morning I was so furious, I wanted to send an angry email demanding answers — real, true, factual answers, NOT the garbage I’ve been fed for so very, very long — and I spent a good bit of time trying to “sit on my hands.” I’m unsure of the travel they speak of (it seems like they throw that travel part in almost every single day for the fun of it), but I have had moments of mental clarity today. I was reminded of a very similar situation, and I know exactly where all that vinegar will get me — nowhere. It’s not worth my stress, it’s not worth my time, it’s just not worth it. And just because people say something is the right thing to do doesn’t mean they’re right. They don’t know all the issues surrounding it, so they couldn’t possibly make the same conclusions I have. I will follow my code of ethics, and I will not settle for anything less. And why should I? No one should settle for anything less than the just and honorable path. No one should settle for anything less than truth, integrity, love, happiness, etc. We are given a finite time on this planet — as my fortune cookie said a couple weeks ago, “minutes are worth more than money — spend them wisely.”

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