Observation Journal (March 3rd)

I’ve noticed that I’m allowing situations to control my emotions (particularly, a situation involving a drop-shipped item that the delivery driver insisted belonged to our department when it clearly did not — but according to him, I “don’t know what [I’m] talking about). I had to stop, take a moment to make myself more aware of how the situations were affecting me emotionally, and take steps to be more mindful of myself and my reactions. Take the challenges and tests as they come, appreciate the lessons and learn to be more mindful in the process. Breathe, count to ten, and remember that it’s not as bad as it seems.

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One Reply to “Observation Journal (March 3rd)”

  1. Good advice. Breathe, count to ten, and remember that it’s not as bad as it seems. Too often I forget that. Thanks for the reminder!

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