Gratitude # 51

I’m always relieved when I read about people who’ve been through situations I’ve been through and come out successfully. For one thing, it makes me less likely to feel lonely. For another, it helps me feel hopeful that I can succeed just like those who’ve been there before me. So when I read Gwen Bell’s post “The Seeds of Anger,” my eyes teared up. I will not be detailing what parts of that post resonated with me, but I will say it felt so good to see that someone elsehas moved beyond something like and lives life with such a Zen-like quality. Seriously, everything I’ve seen and read from her so far just has such a serene feeling to it. She’s not the first person that I’ve stumbled upon who’s overcome past misfortunes, but she’s the most recent. I am so incredibly grateful that the internet has essentially given me this wonderful connection to people I would have otherwise never met.

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