#AprilMoon15 Day 11

I’m trying not to talk about

…what happened during 2013 and 2014 anymore. I’m trying to repress those bad memories and move forward. I know I probably learned some very valuable lessons during that time, but I also learned that there are big evils in this world masquerading as the good guys. I sat down with people who assumed my values must suck only to tell stories about family traditions that have held up through many years before they came along to tell me that I need to have traditions. I’m trying to talk about it because I don’t want that to be my story — I don’t want to be known and remembered for THAT. I had a story to share before all of that. I had aspirations before all of that. Unfortunately, those aspirations have become distant memories as a result of shifted priorities (re: fighting the system), and I no longer feel that yearning. The motivation is gone, and now I’m simply seeking to spark the flames once again, searching for inspiration to find my way back to myself — or at least to a new dream. I’m trying not to talk about it, but it doesn’t seem to be working out that well because I keep having to go back there. I’m tired of going back there. Can we please just leave it in the past and let go? Let it go and move forward.

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