
With Cultivate 2015 behind me, I’ve got a blank canvas ahead of me. For the last two years I’ve been depleting my energy and motivation, and it’s time to get those precious things back. I’m ready to embark on a 91-day declutter challenge (let’s see how that works with my moving schedule), and I’m about two weeks away from starting a Lenten fast. In 2013, I didn’t do anything because I was already being tested and stretched. Last year, I made an attempt to reset my digestive tract, but I crumbled on day 1 due to the stress of my life at the time. This year I’m mentally prepared to quit processed foods for at least the duration, eat plants like it’s my job, and try to rebuild my strength and energy the old fashioned way — eating healthy. Caffeine has been a crutch for far too long, and I’m feeling the negative side effects after completely abusing coffee. So, I’m looking forward to treating my body with a lot more respect and hoping it will reward me in kind.

Stop by tomorrow to see what else I’ve been motivated to begin…

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One Reply to “#MotivationMonday”

  1. I just started taking enzymes to help with my digestion and I can tell it is helping. I feel tons better. I have been eating fairly clean but as I get older – it is harder to digest certain foods. Ugh. Not fun. I’m right there with you on the decluttering and healthy eating. I am still behind on things as I’ve been unexpectedly busy outside the home. Hard to catch my breath… But I’ll get there. 🙂
    Tracy Mangold recently posted..Coffee with Friends

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