Best Blog Find of 2009

At first, I thought this would be hard to answer, but then I realized the answer was simple: Bacon Is My Enemy by Giyen Kim. I found her blog one morning in January while reading CNN’s news. The article wasabout her weight loss goal, but it washer writing aspirations and young mother status that roped me in. I admit that her writing style also happened to tickle me, which is what keeps me going back everyday.

What made her blog such a great find? She became a varitable nexus for me. Through her, I began reading The Brokins, who I believe actually found me first. I could be wrong, though. I heard about Dooce through Giyen’s Momversation postings, although it took a friend sharing a link to Dooce’s birth story for me to get hooked. Then she gave away an Acer laptop to Nicki from Suddenly Single Journey, and I just had to peek at her blog when Giyen raved about Nicki. I found a wonderful person who also loves writing — and the warm fuzzies I got from being welcomed as a “Bubble Buddy” really helped a bunch. Then there was Renee from Me, Myself, and Mommy who definitely found me through Giyen because I can still remember feeling awesome at the thought of building a readership. So if you’re keeping track, I got five blogs for the price of one. I suppose some of the credit goes to CNN for interviewing Giyen, too.

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One Reply to “Best Blog Find of 2009”

  1. Ohhhh. I don’t remember her raving, but we do have a love of margaritas in common. And I’m defintely glad we found each other. Even though I no longer live in The Bubble, you are still Bubble-worthy, and I’m still an honorary resident.

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