#Reverb14 Day 9

As you enter into the new year, what would you like to do/make/have/be more often? How will you bear witness and celebrate the tiny milestones? How will you respond on the occasions when your intentions do not come to pass?

It would seem Kat and I definitely are kindred spirits. I, too, suffer from being either “good” or bad” — kind of skipping past those gray areas. This mindset does not lend itself to cultivate a life worth loving, and it’s time to embrace the imperfections of life. It’s time to embrace wabi-sabi.

I would like to write, walk, dance, stretch, color, cook, and bake more. I would like to create stories, memories, healthy habits, and all sorts of fun things. I would like to have inner peace even in the face of imperfection and a sense of stability. I would like to be happy, healthy, friendly, nurturing, wise, and present more often. I would like so much less of the worry and anxiety, the fear and depression.

I think one of the best ways to honor these tiny milestones will be to stop, acknowledge the moment, savoring the feelings, and proceeding on with life. A moment of presence to be mindful of each baby-step will honor my quest to live a life worth loving. And in the moments when my intentions fall short of completion, I will require much more mindfulness in order to honor those moments for the lessons I learn from life’s imperfections. I will require mindfulness to release the feeling of failure, honor myself, and move forward with new intentions. It is time to celebrate each moment of life and honor myself regardless of the outcomes.

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