#Reverb11: Letting Go

Letting Go (Inspired by Alice Bradley): What do you need to let go of to move forward in 2012?

I need to let go of the edge. I need to be okay with freefalling, not knowing if a net’s waiting below to catch me or if my chute’s functional. I need to let go of my fears and take risks. I won’t know if my business idea is a complete failure unless I go out there and market myself. I need to trust that all the pieces will fall into place. I don’t know what lies beyond February 1st, but I frankly don’t care. I’m ready and willing to take the risk. A varying schedule doesn’t make for a stable income, but neither does working for yourself. If on December 31st, 2012 I find myself in dire straits, I’ll chastise myself then. But then and only then can I chastise myself and live with the regret of jumping — not now. I can’t talk myself out of this. It’s time to move on and move forward. The life I’m living right now does not fulfill my soul, nor does it nourish me. I need to let go in order to thrive. It’s time to let go of that edge and fall.

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3 Replies to “#Reverb11: Letting Go”

  1. Letting go of that edge will be the best thing you’ve ever done. The moment you enter that free fall, the universe will be there to catch you – and once you experience that, the free falls will become invitations. Happy landing!
    Amy recently posted..The edge of the year

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