#Reverb11: Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart (Inspired by Teresa Deak): Where will you follow your heart to in 2012?

At this present moment, my heart is screaming to find a home of my own. This year has been a difficult year. Think living with parents as a child is difficult? Try living on your own for 8 years, only to find yourself hitting near rock bottom, needing to move in with the parents. And I’m not talking about the parents you grew up with, the parents you know and can predict — I’m talking about the in-laws. My heart is telling me that I shouldn’t hide this. I’m following it right now, no need for boundaries. For all I know, someone could be landing on my post right now, nodding their head in agreement, understanding exactly where I come from. There’s no place like your own, especially when you’re used to making the rules. My heart is yearning and aching for February because that’s when we plan to move. I’m willing to make a few compromises to meet that goal, but I’m no longer willing to compromise with regards to having a kitchen of my own. Part of nurturing a growing family involves nourishing them with healthy, home-cooked meals. As you can tell by my Foodie Friday posts, I’m a very food-oriented individual. I follow food blogs in my Google reader because I enjoy looking at pictures of food and learning new recipes and techniques. And according to Klout, I’m pretty influential about food and food related topics. My current living situation hasn’t been very conducive to my foodie exploits, and I want to unpack my kitchen already.

So while my heart wants a lot next year, what it wants most of all is a place where I don’t have to even share walls with a neighbor anymore, let alone share a kitchen.

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One Reply to “#Reverb11: Follow Your Heart”

  1. Totally understandable!! I have lived on my own for the past 10+ years. I ADORE my mother, but when I go home and have to live in someone else’s space, I start to twitch after about three or four days. Going home for a visit is lovely, but so is crashing in your own quiet apartment afterwards. 🙂

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