#Reverb11: Local Love

Local Love: Tell us about a local business you discovered this year. What makes them stand out from the crowd?

Admittedly, I’m terrified to be sharing the love with this cute little local business I discovered in September. I’ve posted about them once before, but now the uptick in traffic proves great enough to turn my best-kept-secret into a bustling hub of chocolaty pleasure. However, the selfless need to see their business thrive outweighs the selfish need to keep them all to myself. This year I discovered Chocolate Therapy Cafe, a cozy little place that exudes Southern hospitality, warmth, and charm. What makes them stand out? Why, the chocolate cobbler, of course! I never knew you could do that with chocolate or a cobbler until I read the reviews. Gooey, warm, and chocolaty, this delectable treat is almost better than you-know-what. They brew up these delicious little “chocolate au laits,” which are basically half coffee and half hot chocolate. The hot chocolate will ruin even Swiss Miss’ dark chocolate sensation powdered mix. And their chai? Smooth, fragrant, and not at all buttery — all wonderful qualities for this chai-snob. They also offer light lunches because they’ve got their priorities straight. They expect you to save plenty of room for a tasty dessert, and they’ve got plenty of it! The women there know how to make their customers feel welcomed again and again. It’s so homey and comfortable, perfect for tutoring, writing, or just enjoying the company of someone you love. I hope to be doing more business remotely from the sanctuary they provide next year.

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