
Despite the fact that I can’t afford to hop on board with Gwen Bell to Align My Website(s), the message isn’t lost on me. I realize that I started this blog with the resources I had back in 2007 — I wasn’t quite willing to purchase my name as a domain at that time, nor did I have the means to do so. Last year I finally purchased, and I’m glad I did. However, I haven’t made much use of it. Over the past two days, I’ve considered moving my blog to my domain and returning to the fun, playful site it was originally meant to be. (No, that doesn’t mean I’ll be reopening sections of it from the past — I’ll likely do something different with it.)

You see, I have a vision. is a place meant for magic, optimism, hope, and beauty. It’s meant as entertainment for at least myself — should viewers on the web not derive the same entertainment value from it, I wouldn’t be the slightest bit offended. is a place meant to promote myself, express myself, showcase my work, and give my readers and clients a better perspective of me. Finally, is a place of business — this is where you’ll find more details about the services I provide and how to acquire them.

Enter Gwen Bell. Here’s her “this is for you” check list:

  • Want to hear how I transitioned my site from not paying the bills to paying the bills — absolutely! I sent her a hand-written note wanting to hear about this. She’s quite probably only 2 years older than me, and she’s incredibly successful and inspirational.
  • Want to start paying the bills with your own website, and want clarity on how to do that — yes please! I value the need to take a job outside of the home right now to get out of an uncomfortable situation, but I dream, yearn, and ache to make a living off of my passions.
  • Need direction, guidance, a digital mentor, someone with a firm hand and warm heart to guide your website where you want it — That’s pretty much what I’d like. I need some guidance, tips, and recommendations.
  • Want to look closely at yourself and your digital work — It’s definitely time to reevaluate what I’m doing here and with the resources I have.
  • Think you could use a blank slate, or a step back to evaluate things — I think building upon a blank slate’s going to be my best option at this point. I have far too many ideas of the ideal layout(s), but it’s those ideas hindering me. I’m guilty of inaction because I want everything to be perfect and “ready.”
  • Have blank slated/are returning to the web after some time away (say, on a Digital Sabbatical) — Both and are blank slates at this point. is roughly a blank slate — although that “new” background’s probably going to get erased. This blog’s layout will likely get the blank-slate treatment over the next couple of months — except for Sailor Scorpio, she stays. She’s the guardian here. 😉
  • Have spent your creative load on Twitter or FarmVille (no shame, but be honest) and want back in the driver’s seat of your digital life (and your key digital offering, which is your website) — Okay, there’s no FarmVille guilt here. That sort of nonsense drives. me. crazy! No, I do NOT want to help you plant a virtual garden. I’d rather try to cure my anti-green-thumb outside in the sunshine with dirt, worms, creepy crawlies, seeds, and water. However, I do have an unhealthy relationship with social networking. I think a little more guidance on using it mindfully could be in order.
  • Need a secret weapon, not a miracle — Miracles are asking too much. A miracle would be my father-in-law winning the lottery and netting big bucks. The odds of that happening are slim. A secret weapon, however, could give me an edge to build my own success.

See? Perfect fit! And as further proof, I don’t even have a few C-notes (okay, fine, right now I’ve got some spare change — we’re being honest here), I don’t want a designer because I enjoy designing it myself (also, I’m married to an excellent designer), I don’t need hand holding, and I’ve been playing with websites since the days of Angelfire (remember Angelfire?). I fully encourage you to jump on board with her while there’s still a few spaces opened.

Keep your eyes out for changes. It’s all about embracing change and transformations around here.

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