#Cultivate16 Day 7: Lesson

-Mistakes are the portals of discovery.- James Joyce

What mistakes did you make last year? What lessons did you learn from these portals of discovery?

I planned a move and put vehicle replacement on the back-burner, and before I knew it our van was sputtering around the beginning of each month, and the moving funds become repair funds. During this time, I began to realize that I had it all wrong. I wasn’t planning a move to enrich my family — I was planning a move because I felt the strong desire to flee after all the strife of 2013 and 2014 had finally become bad memories. I wanted to run away from my problems, and I guess I thought it was the right thing to do. In hindsight, I wish I had replaced the van last year so we could work on repairing our credit this year and make an interstate move a little more reasonable. Instead, I’m coming to terms with the very real likelihood that I derailed myself by at least a year. However, these mistakes were not without their lessons.

I learned that I need to evaluate my priorities better and look at all facets of my situation realistically. I learned that it’s better to prepare yourself financially before making big leaps. While I realize that our move from Florida to Georgia was one based on a calculated risk that appears would have worked out even if we had stayed behind, I did what I felt was necessary given all the information I had available. Unfortunately, hindsight really is everything, and this is the lesson I learn over and over again. But the discoveries aren’t wasted on me. I’m going to take my time to make sure all affairs are in order before making big changes from now on.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 6: Let Go

-Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.- Rumi

What do you need to hold onto? What do you need to let go of?

I need to hold onto my values and dreams. I’m a family-oriented woman dreaming of a comfort lifestyle in which the finances revolve around my way of life — not the other way around. I want to hold onto the precious memories of my children as they grow into their own. I want to hold onto my happiness and gratitude practice. I want to hold onto my youthful attitude. I need let go of my fears and the opinions of others. I’m always afraid that taking risks will hurt us. I’m afraid that my dreams will never come true. I’m always worried about how others perceive me. No more. I’m much too old to worry about such silliness. And for the love of all things digital, I will let go of my desire to design my sites from scratch — it’s time to move into the new era and update this old thing!

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 5: Barriers

-Although difficult, change is always possible. What holds us back from making the changes we desire are our own limiting thoughts and actions. Satsuki

How are your thoughts and actions holding you back from making changes to your life?

My past and my present lead me to believe that my future cannot possibly be as rich and fulfilling as I dream. As a result, I think in terms of making ends meet and settling. It’s time to remind myself that it simply takes a shift in perspective to change my life. As we venture forth into 2016, I’m going to take steps to effect change. I’m going to write myself reminders in my planner and journal. I can choose either to settle for mediocrity, or I can choose to aim for my dreams. I’m choosing my dreams.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 4: Avoidance

-If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.- Nora Roberts

What needs to be asked? Are you afraid of hearing no?

I’ve always been afraid of hearing “no,” but as I’ve aged, I’ve become more willing to ask. I need to ask more questions during 2016, even if I’m afraid of hearing a negative response. If I want to change my life, I have to be willing to ask questions. From something as simple as “can you swap this ingredient for something else that my body can digest,” to “can you work with me even though my credit isn’t ideal,” I’m going to ask them all.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 3: Rest

-Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including yourself.- Anne Lamott

When was the last time you unplugged from your devices? Could you benefit from a digital break?

Have you heard that new acronym “FOMO”? The Fear Of Missing Out? That’s me. I plug in because I want to keep up with my family and friends. I want to grow my audience and prompt series. I feel like unplugging would undo all the hard work I’ve put into everything. But, I spent much of last summer off my blog. I went weeks at a time without signing into Twitter. Do you know what happened to my readership and email subscriptions? Nothing. People understand. I’m thinking about taking a break for a few days during February just to get my bearings. I might decide to schedule regular digital breaks afterwards.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 2: Time

Paulo Coelho- Do something instead of killing time. Because time is killing you.

How can you better manage your time? What would you like to do in your spare time to enjoy it more?

Shhh! Want to know a secret? I suck at time management. There, I said it. Oh sure, I can manage my time well when I’m on the clock for my employer — but once I clock out, it’s usually a different story. Time passes by faster than I’d prefer. That being said, it’s time for me to start examining what I do at work so I can bring those habits back home once again. I’d like to have more time for reading, writing, drawing, coloring, playing games, cooking and baking new dishes, and spending time watching my kids grow. I try to squeeze everything in, but there has to be a better way. That’s on my list of goals for the year.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#Cultivate16 Day 1: Achieve

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” -C. S. Lewis

What’s your biggest goal for 2016?

By far my biggest goal for 2016 is to feel like I’m strong enough to defend myself in case of emergency. I want to exercise for my overall health, but I also want to feel like I’m as strong physically as I feel mentally and emotionally.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting here on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16. Remember to share your posts on the Simply Linked link-up to be entered to win one of two Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. Winners will be drawn on January 20th at 8PM US EST via random.org.


#MondayMotivation Cultivate 2016

Cultivate 2016 is almost here! Starting on January 11th and running through January 31st, I’ll be sending emails that include a quote, image, and prompt to get our minds focused on thriving in the new year. These prompts will help you plant, nurture, and harvest a life worth loving. You can respond on your blog, in your journal, through another artistic outlet, verbally to yourself, or through meditation. The method of response doesn’t really matter — what matters is that you answer yourself truthfully with a method that suits you best. If you’d like to batch prompts together, you may choose to do so as well. To sweeten the deal, this year I’m offering a prize to two lucky winners of a random drawing. The lovely Teresa Deak will offer a Rock the Butterfly Essence session of the winners’ choosing. She has a variety of crystals, and I highly recommend her celestite crystal if you’re in need of a good night’s rest. Teresa has an amazing energy and a talent for helping others. The winners are in for a special treat!

A little back-story behind the Cultivate series: I started the Cultivate series in January 2012 after the creators of Reverb10 stepped down. Some of us opted to create our own Reverb 11 prompts, carrying the torch into future Reverb series. I wanted to move away from the whole Reverb premise — I wanted more focus on cultivating a better life and less dwelling on the past. I wanted to nurture myself and my dreams, to foster healthy relationships and communities. I wanted to create a life worth loving. Everyone deserves a life worth loving. Over time, Cultivate has evolved into its own and leaves space for us to participate in other December projects before manifesting what’s next. If we want to manifest what’s next, we need to cultivate what’s next. The Cultivate project is about living a life worth loving. It’s about planting the seeds for our dreams and goals. It’s about nurturing and tending to those seeds so we can harvest the rewards. It’s about nurturing ourselves and our loved ones. It’s about thinking about the bigger picture and seeing the simpler, smaller things in everyday life. I believe in the power of practicing happiness and gratitude on a daily basis. I’m very excited to share these prompts with all of you, and I hope the prompts help you cultivate your dreams and intentions. And because sharing is caring, please feel free to spread the word by tweeting with the hashtag #cultivate15, forwarding this email, or sharing the sign-up link on Facebook (http://eepurl.com/pRFHb).


#Cultivate15 Day 21

Intention for 2015: Set your intention(s) for 2015.


I intend to move and start a new life in order to cultivate a life worth loving and better nurture my family.


#Cultivate15 Day 20

Affirmation: The strongest way to empower yourself is to affirm yourself and your goals. Write 10 affirmations to encourage you on your journey to cultivate your dreams.

From: http://www.havingtime.com/pursue-dream-career-despite-naysayers/

1. I fought for and protected my family.
2. I am very capable of making and achieving goals.
3. I smile even when life seems to be going wrong.
4. I know how to care for my family.
5. I have great family and friends to support me on this journey.
6. I practice gratitude and happiness.
7. I rest when I need it.
8. I created a list of prompts that are still incredibly relevant.
9. I gathered a group of people looking to cultivate a life worth loving.
10. I answered some very important questions for myself.
