#TalkTuesday Ready for a Break

As I sit here and watch the snowfall slow down, I realize I’m running low on post ideas. However, I’m filled with a desire to take some wintry pictures and take a break while I recenter. Starting tomorrow, I’ll probably share pictures for a week or so to allow myself time to be creative in other ways. See you on the other side!


#MondayMotivation Lenten Vows

It’s that time again. I’m gearing up for Lent — which is actually 46 days and 46 nights if you’re doing your math properly. I’m going to be avoiding social media from Wednesday through Sunday as a means to spiritually ground and center myself. It has become an annual renewing cleanse for myself, and I’m looking forward to growing from the experience once again.


#FoodieFriday Waffles for Dinner

My daughter used some of her Christmas money to buy The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime. She has become a big fan of Ree Drummond, and we’ve made The Bread to go with soup on several occasions. I got a waffle iron for Christmas, and I made some yeasted buttermilk waffles to break it in. My daughter was itching to make a batch of Ree’s waffles, though, so we had breakfast for dinner. Her separation of the yolks from the whites to make her waffles intrigued me, so I was definitely up for the task. Unfortunately, we found ourselves stuck at home with no baking powder, so I had to replace each teaspoon of baking powder with a 2:1 ratio of cream of tartar and baking soda. Also, the recipe just called for milk — I used buttermilk because I bought it thinking I needed it for the recipe. And the results…


Delicious! We spread on butter and drizzled pancake syrup and served up some cheesy scrambled eggs, maple bacon, and sliced peaches to make it a full meal. Everyone enjoyed how much vanilla came through in each bite.


#ThankfulThursday #Cultivate16

I’m so thankful to all those who welcomed me into their inbox for Cultivate prompts once again. Two very wonderful ladies — who both happened to win the first ever giveaway for Cultivate — bravely shared their responses on their blogs. Thank you very much, Rowena and Tracy! I enjoyed reading your responses, and I’m even more delighted that you both won the Rock the Butterfly Essence sessions with Teresa Deak. I’m also incredibly grateful to Teresa for agreeing to the giveaway. She’s a beautiful soul sister indeed.

Each year I’m amazed by the responses I have to mine own questions, realizing that the answers are always right there within myself. Even though participation isn’t as high as other prompt series, I know that these questions are definitely prompting others to go within to find answers. I’m also thankful to Tui and Morgan for helping me decide to move the Cultivate prompt series to May from now on. Keep your eyes open for more news on this subject.


#TalkTuesday Restore Check In

Last month was a roller coaster. Some days I would make sure I was sleeping, drinking enough water, and eating good, wholesome foods. Other days I felt like I was fighting challenge after challenge, simply trying to make it from the time I got out of bed until the time I could get back in it. January didn’t feel very restorative to me, but I did take baby steps to building a more restorative lifestyle. My husband and I joined a gym and have been walking on the treadmill. I’ve stopped eating so much extra sugar, and I do my best to mindfully drink water.

This month I’m planning to research my interests a little more now that the Cultivate prompt series is behind me. I want to explore different options, consider prospective schools, and imagine my life if I decided to go back to school and pursue a different career path. I will restore the student in me. I’m planning to give up a lot of junk this month, too, which will restore my energy levels and overall health. I’m finding that my word is more of a mantra than anything else. When I think back on last year, nurture was definitely a daily mantra. Does this nurture me and the ones I love? Does this restore me and my dreams? I’m still carrying the mantra nurture with me as a companion to restore.







#MondayMotivation Happy New Month!

It felt like January wasn’t quite the auspicious start to 2016 I had been hoping for, but I’ve decided to leave it in the past where it belongs. While it wasn’t my favorite, I did start working on some changes in my life. I joined a weight loss competition at work. I don’t intend to win, but I do intend to remain accountable. My husband and I joined a gym, and we’ve added extra steps to our days. I’ve cooked plenty of hearty homemade soups to add some extra nutrition and immune support. I’ve stopped feeling like I always have to do everything and started trying to nap when I need it. I’ve forgiven myself for days that I neglect my journaling and gratitude practice and stayed open to possibilities. So far, I’ve been mindful of my intentions for the year.

We have 29 days this month, and I’m looking forward to getting the most out of each one of them. The weather forecasts seem to indicate an early spring in our area, so I’ll have plenty of time to nurture my amateur photography. I’ll be able to restore myself in the sunshine, fresh air, and budding leaves. We likely won’t have another snow or ice storm in our area, so we’ll be able to keep a good schedule with the gym. Lent starts on the 10th, and I’m giving up lactose, soy, and alcohol, limiting my caffeine to one cup of tea and one cup of coffee per day, and limiting myself to one small piece of chocolate per day. It won’t be quite as difficult as last year, but it will be just enough sacrifice for me to still be able to enjoy meals with my family.

I’m ready to start researching schools, degree programs, and career paths. I’m ready to completely redesign my websites. I’m ready to start working on my offerings once again. Last month was recovering from the holiday madness. This month is about waking back up and preparing for big changes.
