#Cultivate15 Day 16

Map: Imagine a map existed, guiding you towards your dreams. Try to envision the route. How are you going to map out your dreams for 2015?

Double Rainbow

Obviously, it’s a trip down I75 if you want to get technical. However, that 8+ hour drive is actually the easy part. Packing up our lives  yet again and starting over in another home? I’m getting too old for this crap. I told myself at a young age that I wouldn’t move as much as we did when I was a child, yet I’m trapped in what seems to be a familial curse. All griping aside, I’m envisioning a smooth transition. I’m envisioning tearful goodbyes with friends who’ve become so much more than friends. I’m envisioning spur of the moment trips to the beach. I’m envisioning enough peace to focus on that which matters most. I’m envisioning opportunities to pursue my lifestyle business so I can one day see my work mold around my life — not the other way around.

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One Reply to “#Cultivate15 Day 16”

  1. Maybe it’s because I love actual maps so much, and planning road trips is one of my favorite activities – but this prompt really calls to me.

    I had the flu the first couple weeks of January and as I recuped, I doodle out a map for the year. I still need to work on it, but it is helpful. For one thing, it made me realize that I was trying to stuff too many projects into a short period of time. Mapping out the year forces me to be more realistic. I had to let go of some ideas, but I’d rather do that now than regret all the things I wasn’t able to accomplish later on.

    ~Tui Hope to see you at #StoryDam chat tonight! 🙂
    Tui Snider @TuiSnider recently posted..#StoryDam Chat: Motivation, Accountability, & Follow Through

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