#AugustMoon14 Days 11-13

What is the perfect space for you?

Kat writes: How can you start creating a place like this in the spaces you already have at your disposal?

My pack rat tendencies paired with my three children’s piles of toys chase the inspiration to write and create back out the door, all the way down the road. I have had intentions to cull our stuff for quite some time — some of those toys haven’t been touched in years except to get tossed out of the way in favor of whatever the new favorites happen to be. I know we’ll be moving a little further down the line, and I’d prefer to make our packing experience less of a hassle. But more than that, I need the inspiration to let my voice out. I need to feel capable of creating words that touch the lives of others. I need to feel like I’m expressing myself. Therefore, I need to focus on the spaces that give me inspiration.

What do people thank you for?

Kat writes: How do you surprise and delight other people? (Because you know the truth is that you do.)

I think the biggest thing that surprises and delights other people is my smile. I get told regularly that my smile brings happiness to others in a world (or maybe just a country?) where happiness and kindness seem to be dying art forms. I’ve been thanked for my friendship and for my knowledge of grammar. I’ve been thanked for offering a hand when I can. Incidentally, I enjoy being a beacon of happiness, friendship, and knowledge, so I must be doing the right things.

What are the stories that limit you?

Kat writes: Who would you be without that story?

The current story of my life limits me in numerous ways, mainly because I’m crippled by fear, regret, anxiety, and depression. An incredible amount of situations that shocked my very soul happened so close together, and I have yet to recover. Yet I know these events have given me the foundation to arise stronger and wiser. I know that I can put these stories behind me and work towards the lifestyle I’d like to live. My current state of affairs is merely temporary, and I have come through other difficulties before. Surely I’m strong enough to stand tall once again and put some more cheer back into my smile.

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