#MondayMeditation Ebbs and Flows

Up until this month, the words seemed to just flow freely from my finger tips. Posts were plentiful. Then I set out to take leaps, and apparently I leapt straight into a brick wall.  Stunned silence took over, and thus the ebb began. Everything operates in cycles, though — or it seems that way. The seasonings are currently cycling out of winter and into spring in the northern hemisphere. Cherry blossoms began blooming down the road. The Carolina chickadees returned. Daylight lasts longer. I’m sure during the coming week or so we’ll see fresh, new leaves unfurling from the tree branches. The flow of life will commence, culminating in the summer and early autumn harvests.

However, I’m currently experiencing a writing ebb. My words may be fewer, but perhaps the flow of spring will inspire the amateur photographer in me.

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2 Replies to “#MondayMeditation Ebbs and Flows”

  1. I feel the same way! Lately I’ve been drawn more to photographs than words. Wednesday I took an image of the new cherry blossoms, which you mentioned.

    You’ve articulated well the cycles of creativity we all experience. Like you, I’m inspired by nature and the change of seasons. Take heart- I’m sure our time to blossom is coming too! xo
    Robin recently posted..Leap- #Cultivate2012

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