Gratitude # 7

1. I am grateful that I’ve gotten that 50th Anniversary booklet off to the printers finally.
2. I am grateful to hear that my mother-in-law is doing much better. (She has been in the hospital with complications from the flu, and things were looking very grim for a day or two. She’s still not “out of the woods,” but we’re all cautiously optimistic.)
3. I am grateful for being tagged by an awesome blogger (see Nicki on my blogroll).
4. I am grateful for the forecasted cooler lows heading our way — hello, 60 degree temperatures!
5. I am grateful that I’ll be considered “full-term” in one week and five days. We’re almost there, little Pumpkin!

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One Reply to “Gratitude # 7”

  1. How exciting! Just a little bit longer before the baby comes. I remember not wanting Moanna to come. I told her to stay inside because I wasn’t ready. Then the day before I went into labor I was like OK you need to be evicted, get out.

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