Deadlines, deadlines

It would seem I’m taking on another project that will need to be completely finished — as in printed and delivered — by the end of September. I’m pretty sure our friends over at Alta will be quite pleased with our upcoming orders. Luckily, this new project is virtually completed in its textual context. I’ve already placed the text in InDesign, and I simply need to cover work, two pages of short text, images scanned and placed, and text organized in such a way that it flows well. I don’t imagine this would take very long unless those final two pages of text are late. They’re being written by two different people.

Of course, there’s the ever-present newsletter that somehow always manages to go out two or three months later than I’d originally planned. I’m still persisting that this newsletter will go out before the baby comes out. I’ve got several things to get in order for that to happen, though. Make no mistake — I will not succumb to this deadline being pushed back unless it becomes absolutely necessary.

Here’s hoping we’ll succeed in going to print on time for both projects!

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