#SeptemberBreak2015 Numbers

7-7-1959. 99.999605819678%. 8/2015. But people are so much more than numbers…

I am late to the party for  Susannah Conway’s August Break 2015, but I intend to follow the prompts through September. I’ll tag them #SeptemberBreak2015 — because I’m not quite ready to return to my self-directed schedules just yet. Additionally, I’ll be writing my responses as my camera lens has decided to malfunction after 4.5+ years of use.


#SeptemberBreak2015 Skin

I almost decided to skip today — life has been happening, as it would be…

The outer covering that protects our soft inner core. Pigmentation varies. Texture varies. Elasticity varies. But all skin is good skin. Treat it with love, care, and respect. Treat others with love, care, and respect, despite the look and feel of their skin.

I am late to the party for  Susannah Conway’s August Break 2015, but I intend to follow the prompts through September. I’ll tag them #SeptemberBreak2015 — because I’m not quite ready to return to my self-directed schedules just yet. Additionally, I’ll be writing my responses as my camera lens has decided to malfunction after 4.5+ years of use.


#SeptemberBreak2015 Air

A fresh, cool breeze on a hot day. Warmth radiating from a vent during a cold winter’s night. Taking a break to get some fresh air. Getting outside and enjoying the day.

I am late to the party for  Susannah Conway’s August Break 2015, but I intend to follow the prompts through September. I’ll tag them #SeptemberBreak2015 — because I’m not quite ready to return to my self-directed schedules just yet. Additionally, I’ll be writing my responses as my camera lens has decided to malfunction after 4.5+ years of use.


#SeptemberBreak2015 Breakfast

A cup of frozen chopped spinach sauted then scrambled with an egg. Sometimes a little cheese mixed in for some extra flavor. A dash of salt and a few sprinkles of black pepper. Add a piece of fruit, a cup of lemon water, and a mug of black coffee. I eat this on the regular.

A bowl of Chex or Kix with some vanilla almond milk. Not as much staying power as my regular, but a treat nonetheless.

Sausage, bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, french toast, biscuits with butter and jam. Special breakfast foods make me smile.

I am late to the party for  Susannah Conway’s August Break 2015, but I intend to follow the prompts through September. I’ll tag them #SeptemberBreak2015 — because I’m not quite ready to return to my self-directed schedules just yet. Additionally, I’ll be writing my responses as my camera lens has decided to malfunction after 4.5+ years of use.
