“A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with-that’s poverty-but how efficiently we can put first things first… When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar. (148)”
― Victoria Moran, Lit From Within: Tending Your Soul For Lifelong Beauty
Do you know what your purpose and priorities are? How can you, “put first things first” to live simply as you live the life you love?
Morgan Dragonwillow: Poet , author of Dancing within Shadow and Wild Woman Waking, massage therapist and facilitator of magical journeys who (mostly) doesn’t let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. When she isn’t working with clients, writing or dancing, you can find her encouraging and supporting her writing community at #StoryDamm #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage.
Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.