November Outlook

As I celebrate my youngest’s second birthday, I’m looking ahead at November with hopeful anticipation. This month I’m dedicating myself to continued rebuilding and discipline. Here’s what’s in store:

~I’ve signed up for National Novel Writing Month this year. I’ve finally decided to take last year’s story idea and quit being so dilatory about all the stories floating in my mind. While I’m slightly intimidated by this undertaking, I’m equally excited to take the opportunity to create a novel.

~I’ve identified areas of my life that aren’t working, as well as ways to fix those problems.

~I’m ramping up my business efforts. It’s time to go big, grow my client base, and live those dreams.

~I’ll begin the process of purging my belongings once again in anticipation of the next move. We now have less than three months to go before we select our next home and move.

November promises to share many blessings that will have me and my family feeling incredibly thankful by the time Thanksgiving arrives.
