#Manifestival2012: Making Space

Last week I was introduced to a complementary project called Manifestival, which essentially encourages us much like how Cultivate encourages us. Both projects aim to help us achieve our goals and dreams, and I feel that incorporating this sister project will facilitate the cultivation process. During its first week, Manifestival focused on making space in various aspects of our lives. It’s been a lot to digest and process, and they have slowed down a bit to allow participants the opportunity to fully absorb the content. Thus far we’ve been encouraged to make space for nature, our home and objects, sounds and music, movement and meditation, and food and sustenance.

Given that I’m planning a move (that may be getting pushed to March 1st instead), making space resonates deeply with me. I especially need to make space with regards to our objects as we continue planning, packing, and downsizing. Moving has a way of inspiring us to purge the unnecessary items that we seem to mindlessly accrue over time. “I’m packing this why?” I definitely need to take more time to make more space for important items and to make the new space we’ll inhibit much less cluttered. Packing and unpacking frustrates me because too much junk can prolong the process.

Making space for food, sustenance, movement, meditation, sounds, music, and nature feeds directly into my motivation to cultivate a healthier lifestyle in which I’m thriving: mindfully preparing a nourishing, healthy meal; soaking in my surroundings using all five senses while taking a walk; getting lost in my favorite songs; quieting my mind so as to bring mental relaxation and rejuvenation.

I see a lot of promise in Manifestival. I highly recommend you follow it as a supplement or complement to Cultivate, just as I recommend following the Live the List Challenge. These projects are going to help us cultivate our dreams.
