#Cultivate2012 Community

Community: (Because I still love Cali Harris’ prompt from 2010!) Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2012? What community would you like to join, create, or more deeply connect with in 2013?

This year I went deeper into the community of Lafayette, GA. Specifically, I’ve found community within the boundaries of my workplace. I work at the largest retailer in this town, so I socialize with quite a few regular shoppers and co-workers. Everyone’s so friendly and eager to hear about how life’s going for me. I feel like an accepted and welcomed member of the community. I discovered that several people here also enjoy anime, and I love that I was able to find other like-minded individuals.

In 2013, I’d like to find more community through Cultivate. I’d like to hand the mic over to others to share their experience of cultivating a life worth loving. I’d like to cultivate community through my tutoring and editing services. I’d like to build a community of clients who enjoy my unique teaching style. I might even want to cultivate community in the local school district. I’m considering becoming an English teacher, so we’ll see what the future holds for me.


#Reverb11 Days 2 & 3 Batched

We’re on day 3 of #reverb11, and I’ve batched together prompts from days 2 and 3 — I wasn’t willing to compromise my turkey soup recipe for Foodie Friday.

One Word (Written by Gwen Bell): Encapsulate the year 2011 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2012 for you?

During Reverb 10, I chose “success” to encapsulate the year 2011. However, 2011 didn’t bring the success I was dreaming of. Success didn’t manifest this year.  Instead, 2011 presented a lot of strife. Without going into a lot of complicated details, I’ve dealt with a series of unfortunate situations and issues, but they haven’t been without their lessons. I have a policy of learning something from every situation, regardless of the outcome. So while I may have dealt with a lot of strife, I know it’s helped me see life more clearly and alter my plans to accommodate unexpected events.

I would like progress to capture 2012 for me. I’m not asking for something outlandish like success or achievement — I’m just asking for a little bit of progress in all aspects of my life.

Community (Written by Cali Harris): Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2011? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2012?

I’ve discovered community in a small town in Northwest Georgia. It’s the sort of town where everyone knows everyone, where you bump into someone you know practically every time you set foot aside your door. It’s a community steeped in American Civil War culture, rich with history and majestic landscapes. Of course, there’s always a dark side to these sorts of things, and this little town has its own share of problems. But despite any ugliness, I’ve found stories everywhere. This area inspires me to be creative — to write, draw, cook, bake, photograph, and enjoy. I’m still waiting to see if we get a decent bit of snow this winter to cement any decisions to become a “half-back*,” but thus far I’ve fallen in love with the wide open spaces, fertile soil, and friendly faces. It helps that there’s a cute little cafe — or rather a chocolate shop with a cafe inside — that keeps bringing me back for more “chocolate au laits,” chocolate cobbler, and other such tasty treats.

Who are you? Describe yourself. (Written by Diana Prichard)

Since I’m sure I’ve got some new readers venturing over, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Meredith Shadwill, English consultant. I’m a 20-something woman, closing to the 3-0 than not. I’m married with 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, and 1 fluffy little bunny. I’ve got a part-time job outside of the home to pay the bills, but I dream of days in which I write, proofread, edit, and discuss the finer points of English grammar for a living. While I can’t physically juggle, I do figuratively juggle my life. I strive to achieve balance in all aspects of my life, and I hold very strong beliefs and values. I think eating at the table as a family, educational equality and success, and living with an open heart are the keys to making the world a better place. I think deep thoughts, but I also enjoy the lighter side of life. You can see this reflected in my Foodie Friday posts especially — how better to bring a family together at the table than to serve them delicious food!

*A “half-back” is a person who started life in the Northeast USA, moved to Florida, then found themselves in the foothills of the Appalachians — or so I’ve understood. It’s supposed to be a derogatory term, but I think it’s kind of cute. It makes me feel like donning a football jersey and helmet. If you know what I look like, this too would make you giggle. I’m probably not even cut-out for powder puff football.


Reverb 10: Community

Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011?

I really haven’t stumbled onto any new communities either on or offline this year. Most of the amazing communities I’ve discovered have been mainstays for years, actually. However, this is incredibly relevant in regards to my move on the 28th. I will be leaving the state of Florida to live with my aging and disabled in-laws — really, there are so many conveniences for both my family and my husband’s parents with regards to this situation. Aside from moving to a new state, the community itself will be much more rural than I am accustomed to. Apparently it’s within commuting distance of several cities — Chattanooga, Tennessee, for example — and preserves the historical battlegrounds from the American Civil War. I’d imagine the land itself tells many stories. My husband visited the area back in October and reported back that Southern Hospitality is alive and well in Northwest Georgia. I’m particularly used to living in portions of Florida that should be referred to as “New New York” and “New New Jersey,” so this seems a little intriguing to me. Living in Gainesville usually produces encounters with college students and disenfranchised locals, two seemingly opposite groups of people. However, this is what I’ve grown accustomed to.

In 2011, I will be starting life anew among a very different community filled with very different people. I really don’t know how to process this change just yet, but all the signs around me seem to shout, “this is a good thing!” The message that life will turn out okay reverberates through my daily routines. I’m maintaining an open mind and listening to the thoughts flowing around me. A fresh start among new people might be just the thing I need right now.
