#Cultivate2012 Co-workers

Co-workers: Unless you run your own business by yourself or stay at home, chances are you interact with co-workers on a regular basis. How are you cultivating camaraderie in the work place? What can you do to support your co-workers?

When I’m at work, I tend to smile at everyone. I stop and ask how co-workers are doing, and I know that usually helps them feel better. They smile back and engage in quick conversations with me. I’d like to say I’m incredibly good at building camaraderie because everyone comments on how much I smile. I talk with co-workers about work, life, and family as we’re completing our tasks for the day. I engage in playful banter — my immediate co-workers like to joke around and be lighthearted. I appreciate that, and I encourage it.

At this point, I think I’m doing a great job supporting my co-workers and fostering a sense of camaraderie in the workplace. I want to continue to show my smile and be friendly. I want my good attitude to be an example. I want my co-workers to follow my lead, no matter how stressful life might be. We all go through rough times, but maintaining a pleasant attitude makes it easier.

I’d like to help co-workers experiencing difficulties more. Finances seem more stable, and I would like to contribute when we have dinners to support co-workers in need or are collecting funds for those experiencing hardship. They did it for me when our van broke down, and it helped so much. I’d like to pass that feeling on.
