#AprilLove2016 Dear Sky

Dear Sky,

I look up to you quite often. My favorite is when you’re clear and blue with cotton ball puffs of clouds drifting through the atmosphere. I also love when you’re clear at night, glittering with the light of distant stars and planets.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Reflection

Dear Reflection,

I don’t always appreciate you, but I’ve been told you’re prettier than I think. You help me make sure my hair’s neat. You help me check for ticks and odd bumps. You let me know if I’m looking tired, sick, or sunburnt. And every once in awhile, you surprise me with a beautiful face staring back at mine.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Family

Dear Family,

You are the light of my life. You give my existence much more meaning. True, sometimes you drive me crazy, but I love all of you so very much. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I know you’ll change over the years — members passing away, new members marrying into it or being born, growing up and older — but I know for certain that my love will always overflow.

baby feet


#AprilLove2016 Dear Shadows

Dear Shadows,

You remind me that the sunshine’s touching this earth. You may look dark, but you wouldn’t exist without the light — and what a wonderful message you share. Light and dark must coexist together. Without bad, there would be no good. You’re so delightfully wabi-sabi.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Courage

Dear Courage,

You are the reason I get up every morning. You are the reason I leave my house. You are the reason I face each day, one moment at a time. You are my driving force. Were it not for you, I would hide in bed all day, everyday. I would become a recluse. I would succumb to my physical and mental ailments. Thanks to you, I can face everyday with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Senses

Dear Senses,

I appreciate you, Sight. You allow me to see the beauty in everything around me — the rainbow colored sky at sunrise and sunset, the plumage of birds, the patterned fur of animals, the color of people’s eyes, and so much more. I appreciate you, Sound. You allow me to hear beautiful music, the sound of my children’s laughter, the sounds that alert me to danger, and everything in between. I appreciate you, Smell. Without you, I couldn’t breathe in the aroma of freshly baked goods, food cooking on the stove, flowers, and all sorts of wonderful scents. I appreciate you, Taste. You are quite possibly my favorite sense. I enjoy so many sweet foods because of you. I also love salty and sour foods. I enjoy fruits and veggies, meats and cheeses, grains and fats. And I also appreciate you, Touch. The warmth of the sun feels glorious on my skin. The soft fleece pants I wear in winter keep my body warm and comfortable. The feeling of water on my skin soothes my aches and pains. And yes, even pain is helpful — it alerts me to anything wrong with my body.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,

I’m trying my very best to build a life worth loving for you. I want you to be happy and comfortable. I want you to be able to provide for yourself and your family. I want you to smile freely and often. I want you to have the freedom to rest when you need it, eat nourishing foods, move your body, and work how you please. I want you to have the very best.

