#AprilLove2016 Dear Courage

Dear Courage,

You are the reason I get up every morning. You are the reason I leave my house. You are the reason I face each day, one moment at a time. You are my driving force. Were it not for you, I would hide in bed all day, everyday. I would become a recluse. I would succumb to my physical and mental ailments. Thanks to you, I can face everyday with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Senses

Dear Senses,

I appreciate you, Sight. You allow me to see the beauty in everything around me — the rainbow colored sky at sunrise and sunset, the plumage of birds, the patterned fur of animals, the color of people’s eyes, and so much more. I appreciate you, Sound. You allow me to hear beautiful music, the sound of my children’s laughter, the sounds that alert me to danger, and everything in between. I appreciate you, Smell. Without you, I couldn’t breathe in the aroma of freshly baked goods, food cooking on the stove, flowers, and all sorts of wonderful scents. I appreciate you, Taste. You are quite possibly my favorite sense. I enjoy so many sweet foods because of you. I also love salty and sour foods. I enjoy fruits and veggies, meats and cheeses, grains and fats. And I also appreciate you, Touch. The warmth of the sun feels glorious on my skin. The soft fleece pants I wear in winter keep my body warm and comfortable. The feeling of water on my skin soothes my aches and pains. And yes, even pain is helpful — it alerts me to anything wrong with my body.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me,

I’m trying my very best to build a life worth loving for you. I want you to be happy and comfortable. I want you to be able to provide for yourself and your family. I want you to smile freely and often. I want you to have the freedom to rest when you need it, eat nourishing foods, move your body, and work how you please. I want you to have the very best.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Hunger

IMG_1710Dear Hunger,

We’re quite a pair, aren’t we? You are the reason I’ve never had an eating disorder — or maybe that I border on binge eating disorder at times. You let me know when my body needs nutrients. You inspire me to get into the kitchen and create something delicious every time. You give me an appreciation of food in all its glorious forms.



#AprilLove2016 Dear First Love

Dear First Love,

When my feet were able, I danced. I didn’t just walk or run — I danced. Tapping my toes, spinning in circles, moving my body to the music. For nearly 10 years you and I were inseparable. At one point you were my career of choice until I fell in love with animals and their care. You were still there in the wings, waiting for me just in case I faltered. One day my family moved away from all that we knew, so we were forced to part ways for a while — although I still moved to the music whenever possible. One year we finally got to go en pointe, fulfilling a dream of twirling around on my tip toes. This relationship wasn’t exactly great for my feet, but it was superb for my soul. The blisters, bruised toes, and soreness were a small price to pay to enjoy you. I’m sad that we don’t enjoy each other’s company nearly enough, and that’s my fault these days. Perhaps this is life beckoning me to rekindle our love affair…



#AprilLove2016 Dear Imagination

Dear Imagination,

Like rest, you can be an elusive creature. I’ll spend days wondering where you’ve disappeared, then other days you’ll come flooding out of my mind like a raging waterfall. You’re very good at helping me dream of so many wonderful ideas. Through you I’ve created stories, recipes, images, websites, plans, essays, and so much more.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Younger Me

Dear Younger Me,

Always smile and find the silver lining in every situation. Trust your instincts. Believe in yourself. Have faith that life will unfold as it should. Know that your path will change at times. Do not fear the future. Life is a beautiful, wonderful gift to enjoy, even when you feel like crying yourself to sleep.


#AprilLove2016 Dear Rest

Dear Rest,

These days I feel like I need you most. I don’t always get to enjoy you, but when I do, it’s the best feeling in the world. I lay my body in the hammock or on the bed, and I let you come to me. My muscles loosen, my breath slows down, and the day’s troubles begin to drift away. I shut my eyes and let them recover from overuse. Some days I wake up and feel like I haven’t gotten enough of you, but once in a while I get my fill of you.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Books

Dear Books,

Oh, what glorious creatures you are indeed! Some of you are filled with words waiting for me to devour them. Some of you are filled with blank pages begging me to fill you with my own words and thoughts. Some of you have neat lines and space so I can externalize my upcoming days, weeks, and months. Some of you leave plenty of room for my imagination to run wild. I’ve found artists’ books that bring a new life to an old craft. I’ve found classics that harken back to a time when print literature was a novel concept (pun definitely intended). My life would be incomplete without all of you beautiful, wonderful books.



#AprilLove2016 Dear Intuition

Dear Intuition,

I look to the heavens for you, as if you’re somehow outside of me. Yet I know you’re within, waiting for me to look inward. I sometimes ignore you, trying to use logic and reason instead of trusting you and what I know is true. I find those times that I kick myself for not listening, although I’m learning to trust you more and more as the years pass. You were there for me when my babies were making their grand debuts into the world, guiding me through an ancient process that many woman have experiences before me. You have granted me insight when I need it most, realizing that the answers I seek are usually right there within my core. Sometimes I just need to focus, to find the contrails of the jet, and discover that you’re right there.

