#TalkTuesday #StealJournal

Write your favorite quote here:

Minutes are worth more than money; spend them wisely.

Say It 5 Different Ways:

  1. Time can’t be returned once spent, unlike money.
  2. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.
  3. Time is more valuable than money.
  4. Wasted money can be re-earned; wasted time cannot.
  5. Spend your time wisely.

Like these posts? Check out Austin Kleon for more delicious ways to steal like an artist!


#TalkTuesday #StealJournal

Copy a favorite sentence onto the middle of this page. Write two of your own sentences that lead up to it. Write two of your own sentences that follow it.

You can teach people a lot of things, but you can’t teach them how to care.

It takes the ability to care in order to complete a task. Some people are innately able to care, whereas others are not.

If someone doesn’t care about a person or task, they won’t try their best. People who care about something will try harder.

Like these posts? Check out Austin Kleon for more delicious ways to steal like an artist!


#TalkTuesday Spinal Stenosis

A week ago today I finally learned what’s been causing strange aches, pains, and sensations over the last several years. Without even hearing words from the orthopedist’s mouth, I could see something terribly wrong with the disc between my C5 and C6 vertebrae. It’s called spinal stenosis, likely caused by a cause of whiplash I suffered in December 2005. Pending an MRI, we’ll know just how badly the nerves are being compressed by this slipped and nearly eroded disc. I’ve been incredibly somber after discovering just how serious this issue really is, although it’s nice to finally have an explanation for everything. I’ve realized that it’s quite possible that I’ll either become paralyzed over time or require surgery to correct this problem. I’m horrified of surgery because it’s such a critical area to be tampered with. So for now, I’m cherishing every moment of mobility I have. Each day that I wake up and get out of bed is a blessing. One day, I might wake up unable to move. It’s a sobering reality, but it only further encourages me to cultivate a life worth loving.


#TalkTuesday #StealJournal

I’ve been working in my Steal Like An Artist Journal, and I finally sat down with the Moby Dick passage with the instructions to create a poem from it. I circled and traced for a few moments, and here’s my results:

The light travels faster
through day into night
out of sight
At some further point
darkness is known.


#TalkTuesday Ready for a Break

As I sit here and watch the snowfall slow down, I realize I’m running low on post ideas. However, I’m filled with a desire to take some wintry pictures and take a break while I recenter. Starting tomorrow, I’ll probably share pictures for a week or so to allow myself time to be creative in other ways. See you on the other side!


#TalkTuesday Restoring in 2016

As you may recall, I choose the word RESTORE to guide me through 2016. As we start the year, I’d like to reflect on how I’d like to see my word carry me. I can bring more RESTORE into my home by sleeping for eight hours every night and creating better sleep hygiene and habits; by eating nourishing foods that fill my body with the vitamins and minerals it craves instead of giving into my sweet tooth and convenience; by moving my body on a regular base, giving my bones and muscles the exercise they need to carry me through many more decades; researching my interests so I can find my path; and indulging my passions and hobbies, from writing to coloring and all things in between. My heart needs restoration and openness, and I’m finding that my heart’s beckoning me to stay open to possibilities. I desire growth, change, peace, and happiness. I’ll be following up at the beginning of February to see how RESTORE is serving me and evaluate more ways to bring restoration to my life.


#TalkTuesday 2015 Farewell Nurture, Hello Restore

I chose the word Nurture to follow me through 2015. I give much thanks to Susannah Conway for offering her free 5-day ecourse to help find your word. It has supported me during moments of fear and anxiety. I bring my focus back to nurturing, and I found more moments of peace and clarity when I nurtured myself and my little family. I spent more time relaxing and focusing on that which matters most. The threads of Nurture wove my life back together in 2015, giving my heart the healing it craved. My life changed because I focused on moving forward and tending to broken spirits. I remembered who I am and what I’ve survived. I realized that although we went through some terrifying times, I’m still stronger for having lived through them. My word for 2015 has served as a mantra for everyday life, and I’m not sure I’m ready to bid it farewell. However, I’m ready to welcome Restore in 2016, which is sprouting from Nurture — so in a sense, I’m still carrying Nurture with me.

I began the 5 day course without much of an idea for a word, but by day 4 I’d seen enough signs to bring me to Restore. In 2016, I want to restore traditions that got broken by the strife of 2013 and 2014. I want to restore my health. I want to restore good routines and habits for myself and my family. We have done well to nurture ourselves during the healing process. Now it’s time to regain ourselves and find our way back to our paths. The threads leading out to supporting words and phrases to keep my focus are plentiful. I’m ready to take on 2016 — to renew my spirit, recharge my energy sources, to grow and cultivate my life.

If you’re subscribed to my Cultivate prompts, I’ve got a special treat in store for 2 lucky winners of a random drawing this go-round. If you’re not already subscribed, jump on board! I promise this little surprise will bring you joy.


#TalkTuesday 30 Days of Gratitude

Yesterday I touched on my upcoming projects. Today I’d like to elaborate a bit on my 30 day gratitude challenge. I’ve googled challenges to see if I could find some ideas for each day, although I have a couple of days that have their own themes set for personal reasons. I’ll be sharing links for posts that were inspired by someone else’s previous challenges, and I would like to encourage all of you to follow along with me. Each day in November, stop and note at least one thing you’re thankful for each day. Although my writing habits have been erratic as of late, I like to make a list of five things I’m thankful for each day. My gratitude practice keeps me grounded and happy. I am reminded that life isn’t all bad and that each day has something wonderful in it. If you’d like to share, use the hashtag #3odaysofgratitude on your social media sites of choice.


#TalkTuesday Decision Time

Well, life has been handing me more lemons than I can handle these days. I’ve contemplated where I was 10 years ago, struggling in my final semester as a pre-vet student, knowing full well I would be switching my major if my efforts didn’t succeed. Of course, I didn’t, and I changed my major to English. I’ve thought about where I was 5 years ago, desperately trying to find another job, hoping I could make a living as a tutor and English consultant. Once again, things didn’t work out there, we moved to Georgia, and I discovered that the job market had no room for overqualified candidates like myself. I also discovered that building an online business takes much more effort than I have put forth.

This leads me to question where I’m going with my life and how I can create the lifestyle I would like to live — and give to my family. I’ve considered going back to school, but I don’t know what I would pursue. I could become certified to teacher at the K-12 level, but I don’t know that I would feel able to teach (all that common-core nonsense). I could pursue a Masters or PhD in English. However, I feel like a Masters would leave me in the same boat I’m sinking in right now, and a PhD would pretty much be the only way to go. I would become a professor with a PhD and have more freedom than in a K-12 setting, but I’m still not sure that’s what I’d like to do. I’ve toyed with trying to go back to school to be a vet tech or — dare I say it — veterinarian. Of course, I feel like an idiot to even consider that field again. Beyond those ideas, I really don’t see how going back to school and likely accumulating more debt will further my cause at this point.

I’ve thought about finding a better job. I’ve become less secretive about my occupation in retail, and I’ve spent the last four years learning that retail management is definitely not for me. I’ve been told that I don’t have a “real” job, and that stings. I think what hurts the most, though, is that I work hard for just barely enough to scrape by. However, I live in an area that boasts a carpet mill and an appliance factory — laborious jobs that pay just a little more than my current job that will decrease my quality of life and further my bitterness regarding my educational status. We are a one vehicle household, which really deters me from commuting too far. I feel as though I have to move to find a better job, but I really don’t know where to move to find that better job.

This brings me to my business. It’s failed. I tried, but I didn’t try hard enough. I still put forth more effort into the traditional brick-and-mortar workplace than I do work-from-home and freelance jobs. I don’t market myself. I don’t showcase my talents and skills. I subscribe to entrepreneurs’ newsletters, but I don’t really apply the material. It’s time to stop daydreaming and pretending and start doing. But I’ve hit a point where I don’t really know what I’d like to offer anymore. Perhaps it’s the struggles I’ve been through, but my passion for proofreading and unraveling grammar for others just isn’t there anymore. Whether I can relight that flame or find another passion that can translate to a digital workplace, I’m not sure. This is where I’m at, and I’ll be trying to find my way over the coming months.


#TalkTuesday Home Sweet Home

It seems to me that many gurus come out against home ownership because it supposedly symbolizes false wealth — or something like that. I’m sorry, but I for one am not looking to buy a house as a status symbol or to prove a damn thing. The way I see it, home ownership is about putting holes in walls — nail through ’em and hang up whatever you please! Paint the walls and ceilings whatever colors you want. Put down carpet or rip it up. Make it your own. Make it your sanctuary. Put down roots and create memories. Don’t worry about equity and flipping. Worry about having your own garden. Worry about getting whatever pets you want. Don’t worry about paying twice as much per month for rent. Yeah, sure, interest. Do you know what? If you’d rather pay double per month, than pay double on your house and pay it off faster. Or don’t. I want to own a home for myself. For my kids. For my future. I know it’s further into the future than I would like, but I’m going to keep dreaming of my home. My very own house to do with what I please.
