#MayCultivate2016 Day 1 Response

What challenges do you face? How can you turn them into blessings? What can you do to do to live a life you love?

I’m challenged by my financial situation, current location, and overall GPA. I’m not able to afford much, which allows me the opportunity to pause and consider whether a product or service is truly worth the amount of time spent earning the money to pay for it. This blesses me when applying for aid for schools. I’m currently living in a rural community with limited resources, but I’m also able to enjoy the beauty and serenity of nature. It’s blessed me with an idea of acreage and long term goals. I’ve been afforded the opportunity to become a recognizable member of the community, as well. My overall GPA, while a little frightening, only proves that I excel when taking the right courses — my major GPA shows that applying to graduate school to earn my PhD in English and teach college level courses is quite viable. It’ll allow me to rule out schools and narrow down my growing list of programs to research.

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