#MayCultivate2016 Day 5: Journey


A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.
Lao Tzu

The ground warms, the internal clock springs, the road beckons. Where will you journey in the coming months?

Noël Rozny is a writer/editor/yogini/work in progress.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.


#MayCultivate2016 Day 4: Crisis

Red and White Emergency Sign --- Image by © Lawrence Manning/Corbis
Red and White Emergency Sign — Image by © Lawrence Manning/Corbis

Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back on himself. He imposes his own stamp of action, takes responsibility for it, makes it his own. – Charles de Gaulle

Everyone responds differently in a crisis. Some people shut down completely. Others jump in and deal with the situation as it happens, only to fall apart later.

Think about some event of crisis in your life. How did you deal with it at the time? How do you view your behavior now that time has passed, and what did you learn about yourself?

Brandee Baltzell is a liberal-moderate wife, mother, career woman, fledgling writer and artist with a grand sense of curiosity.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.


#MayCultivate2016 Day 3: Freedom

2012-09-18 12.32.19

Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from. — Vernon Howard

For me it comes from giving up the family restaurant, letting it go and in so doing, letting go of the stresses that had ruled my time.

My questions would be what has give you freedom? Was it from letting go of something, or from jumping into something new?

Renee L. Tennis-McKinley writes sporadically from her haunted old farmhouse, where she lives with two demonic cats, a half blind spaniel, and retired husband.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.


#MayCultivate2016 Day 2: Backspace

My voice is my power

Too often we allow our fears of what people might think of us determine what we think, write or how we act. Because of this, we rely too much on the backspace, or delete key, of our keyboard to dictate our voices rather than our spacebar. Imagine a using keyboard without the delete key available: What would your voice finally be able to say or do if it were finally freed of the backspace?

After writing and illustrating her first bestseller in second grade, “The Lovely Unicorn”, C. Streetlights took twenty years to decide if she wanted to continue writing. In the time known as growing up she became a teacher, a wife, and mother. Retired from teaching, C. Streetlights now lives with her family in the mountains along with their dog that eats Kleenex. Her new memoir, Tea and Madness is now available.

You can follow C. Streetlights on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, andGoodreads.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.


#MayCultivate2016 Day 1: Challenges

difficult roads quote

For years, I swore I was going to be an author, full time. This was how I was going to make my living, build my life, and embrace my passion. Instead, I settled into a position that was comfortable. I had a steady income. It was enough, even if I couldn’t stand my job. Then, my husband and I had Kenna. Born sixteen weeks too soon and weighing in at a meager 9.6 ounces, she changed everything. After 183 days in the hospital, Kenna finally came to the magical place called home…on oxygen, a heart monitor, and a feeding tube. Suddenly, I have to find a way to contribute to our income while working from home. It was just the nudge I needed to write the books I’d always planned to write. Now, nearly twenty novels later, I am blessed to live a life I love, working from home, able to be a mom and have a fulfilling career.

What challenges do you face? How can you turn them into blessings? What can you do to do to live a life you love?

Nicole Andrews Moore lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, a teenage son and daughter, and Kenna. Every day is new and sparkly…which is why she chronicles them on her blog, The Dreamers Do Project. It is a way for her to spread her brand of hope, happiness, and love.

Don’t forget to share your responses by commenting on the blog or using the hashtag #Cultivate16.
