Turning Points

Each day seems to bring a new adventure for my generally groggy self. Some days are obviously better than others, but life can be a serious challenge from time to time. Of course, we all experience challenges in our lives — without challenging, we most certainly couldn’t grow as individuals. Growth is a regular occurence in all aspects of life, and life could not exist without growth. I hope to successfully grow as an individual, even if I am the only person who is affected by that growth. I cannot grow taller. I would prefer not to grow wider. I would love to grow in wisdom and knowledge. I would love to grow in grace and dignity. Here’s to hoping for the sake of hope. Sometimes, hope is all you need to go on.


The six-word story

Hemingway was once challenged to write the shortest story ever. He came up with this six-word gem — “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” In those six words, he successfully tells you that someone is selling a pair of never-worn baby shoes, allowing the reader to speculate as to why those baby shoes were never worn. His success has led to numerous attempts at writing a six-word story. At one point, I took up the challenge myself and came up with this — “I drank tea today. The End.” While I doubt my attempt lives up to Hemingway, I do rather like it. It would seem many stories can be told with a mere six words.


Inching Closer to the Mark

In the past ninety days, I’ve posted eighteen times — not including this post. I apparently need to reach the lovely number twenty before I can be approved to make a bit of cash off my writing. I suspect that Tuesday will be the day I resubmit for a fourth try. Yes, my fourth try. Of course, I’ve not even stopped to take the time to redesign my blog. I must reiterate the purple layout just doesn’t seem to suit my needs at this point. While I could switch back to the default layout, I’m reluctant to do so because I’m almost positive I’d need to customize that as well. If I’m going to customize a layout, I might as well make it count.

In other news, it seems my spam filters aren’t even picking up very many spambot comments these days. Perhaps one of the zombie networks has been raided by the authorities, to which I would rejoice. Granted, it doesn’t take too much effort to rid myself of the filthy little things. 😉


Tornado Watch

What’s a woman to do when the forecast calls for severe weather overnight? “Be prepared for tornadic activity.” Excuse me? Are you telling me that I could be sleeping peacefully in my bed one moment, then hurled to my death the next? Are you telling me I should remain conscious throughout the night, cowering in the closet under the stairs? Are you also telling me it’s a Thursday night, meaning I still have one more work day to complete? Please pardom me while I have a meltdown. I live in a townhouse on the corner of my building. Said townhouse occupies the second and third stories of the building. My bedroom is on the third story, which is the top floor. Above my ceiling? The roof. I suppose the doppler will determine my courses of action for the evening. For now, excuse me while I shut down the office for another night.



I’ve begun to formulate a very detailed, thoughtful post that I’d like to publish within the next few weeks. I’m absolutely ecstatic that I’ve finally gotten some inspiration to write. Writer’s block plagued me for much of the past several months, so much so that each post I’ve done in the past few months feels forced and lack-luster. I’ve felt like my writing hasn’t really meant much, nor have I felt it warranted attention. I feel refreshed to have an idea again.

I would also like to express my disdain for April Fool’s Day. I suppose you can mostly chalk it up to a “prank” someone played on me five years ago today, but this “holiday” never really sat well with me. Playing horribly cruel jokes on your loved ones and friends? That’s absolutely mean-spirited and hurtful. I don’t care how funny you think you are — it still hurts those people you’re fooling. If anyone wants to argue about worthless holidays with me, I will always say that April Fool’s Day is the most worthless waste of a day. You think Valentine’s Day is a commercial deal? At least it’s a day for celebrating love. April Fool’s Day doesn’t have any warm and fuzzy feelings involved. You don’t get into the spirit of giving, you don’t get creatively spooky, and you don’t give thanks for what you have. No, the whole day revolves around tricking and spotting tricks. It’s disgusting.
