#Cultivate2014 Day 4 Response

Author’s Note: I’m fully aware that it’s now April 30th — over 3 months since the beginning of this prompt series. I have been processing my life at my own pace these days. I’m ready to get back on track and move forward with life. Today’s response was handwritten back in January, and I will follow up at the end with how things went.

I have been contemplating a physical overhaul for quite some time. Over the holidays, I fell off the gluten free wagon — and as a result, my overall well-being suffered. It’s amazing how something as simple as wheat can cause such myriad symptoms that detract from my health. I’m planning to do a raw and whole foods detox/ cleanse during Lent. This serves the purpose of giving my body a break from all the processed polymers I’ve put in my mouth. I’m also going to attempt to start a daily stretching, yoga, and meditation practice to help my aging body continue to maintain its flexibility and decrease my stress. I’m going to try working out so I can maintain and increase my strength and endurance. I’ve found that my fear of aging really lies in the fear of becoming disabled. The more effort I make to maintain my abilities, the less I should worry about the number of candles I put on my cake.

Results: I didn’t really succeed with my intentions to move my body more and quiet my mind regularly, but for the most part I gave my digestive tract a break from junk. I feel better when I don’t put junk into my mouth. I hope to start motivating myself to strengthen my body and quiet my mind. I really and truly want to increase the quality of my life for whatever time I’ve got left because I’ve seen how miserable people can be when they haven’t taken care of themselves. Sitting in a motorized scooter with an oxygen tank seems like a terrible way to live life, which is why I intend to care for my body.

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